ITV Live The DJ Sessions Rocking The Seattle Nightlife Scene – Darran Bruce Interview
Darran Bruce has been a supporter of the Seattle nightlife scene for many years and his ITV Live Mobile Studio is getting more and more attention. So therefore, we wanted to have a chat with the man who made it all possible!
For people not familiar with ITV, explain in a few lines what it is about.
ITV/ITV LIVE is a broadcast/internet streaming television series that features independent artists and businesses. We have 10 different genres that we cover on ITV – Nightlife, Live Music, Sports, Fashion, Films, Comedy, Art, Video Games, Open Mic, and Restaurants. ITV LIVE is where we take our studio shows and go on location in our ITV LIVE Mobile Streaming Studio. Our feature show is called ITV LIVE – The DJ Sessions where we stream between three to eight hours of LIVE DJ’s sets on location at some of the largest events in the world.
We got word that a new ITV Live The DJ Sessions is on schedule for Wednesday. Who is on the line up and where can people see it?
We feature A-List DJ’s as well as local talent. Anyone is able to submit for a time slot on the show if they think they are ready to be in front of thousands of people performing live. People can watch the show on our website www.itvnw.com or UStream www.ustream.tv/itvnw. We stream the shows on Weds. night starting at 6pm PST.
Name the most inspiring person you ever met at a club and tell us why this person has inspired you?
There are really to many to name. I have interviewed people like Sander Van Doorn back in 2006 when he was just starting and now he is one of the top listed DJ’s out there. The most inspiring DJ’s to me are the guys that are just trying to get out there and play music to the masses. It is great to work with the unknown/underground artists because they get so excited that they are playing, that’s what really makes a great show.
Which producers are on your current top 5 for recurring quality releases?
Wow…that is just about as hard to answer as the previous question…I have listened to so many hours of music during the shows. My favorite songs are really the ones that just make you want to get up and dance, you know the ones you just can’t sit still to, you are just forced to start moving your body. Any producer that can succeed in making me do that gets credit in my book.
What are your thoughts on the DJ Mag Top 100 Poll?
Everyone has their opinion, lol. I think that DJ Mag is a great resource, but I rely on what I see and hear, if a DJ/Producer is doing something amazing it doesn’t take someone else’s opinion to tell me that they are good. I will see how the viewers and the crowd reacts to them. They are the best judges at who is good and who isn’t.
Who is your favorite artist outside of EDM and why?
Is there anything else but EDM, lol. No really. I used to listen to Rap and Hip-Hop growing up. Then I started going to raves at about 18. Just as we have seen an evolutionary growth in the Rap/Hip-Hop industry, EDM has come a long way as well. I would have to many artists to name to pick one favorite.
What is your drink of choice after a live broadcast?
Water….if you watch some of the past episodes of ITV LIVE – The DJ Sessions I would be dancing for three to eight hours on the shows. Hydration is the key to any EDM event, especially ITV LIVE – The DJ Sessions.
Is there a final thing you would like to say to our readers?
Support you local artists/DJ’s/Producers. These are the people that spend hours and hours everyday so they can perform for your enjoyment. Sometimes they get paid, sometimes they don’t. You would be amazed at how much a “Thank you” can make someone feel great.