Katie’s Corner: Deadmau5 Album Review
DeadMau5 “Album title goes here”
I felt like I had been waiting forever for the new DeadMau5 to come out. Finally this Tuesday it was in stores and available on iTunes. I downloaded it immediately, got out my notepad, started listening and taking notes.
As a whole the new ATGH (“Album Title Goes Here”) is classic DeadMau5 at its best. Hypnotic melodies and addictive dance beats that make it impossible to not move in your seat. The tracks I thought best displayed this classic DeadMau5 house-style that made Joel famous and that we’ve grown to love were “Maths”, which was also the first single off the cd, and “The Veldt” feat. Chris James. Chris has a beautiful voice and the lyrics are catchy and fun to sing along with.
Oddly enough, I dare to say that a few of the tracks reminded me a lot of songs off of Tiesto’s “Elements of Life” (2008) . “Superliminal” the very first track on the cd is personally my least favorite, and somewhat dull. Don’t get me wrong: the track was in no way bad, but it just didn’t impress me and I quickly found myself wanting to advance to the next track.
“Channel 42” is the second track on ATGH and is most reminiscent of Tiesto’s “Elements of Life” (off the “Elements of Life” cd, 2008) in its melodies, combined with the traditional DeadMau5 dance beat. I liked this track MUCH more then the first and didn’t want to change the song at all.
“Fn Pig” is the fourth song on the album and again has a more trance-ish or progressive house type feel than the usual DeadMau5. It starts out slow but finally picks up around 2+ minutes and drops around 3:45 into one sick little DeadMau5 jam. This was by far one of my favorite tracks once it got going.
The fifth song on ATGH “Profession Griefers” feat. Gerald Way is a venture out for DeadMau5 in my opinion, but a successful one. It’s the hardest track on the album so far and also one of my top picks. In my notes I said it was “wicked sick” and that it had “vocals to sing along with.”
“There might be coffee” was released by Joel (DeadMau5) on SoundCloud earlier this summer and has been on my favorites list ever since. It has a little bit of a 80’s brat-pack movie soundtrack kind of feel fused with our good old DeadMau5. Also, one of my favorites on the entire cd.
The eighth song on ATGH “Take care of the Proper Paperwork” is an very unexpected hard track and pretty wicked. A definite must listen.
“Closer” the ninth track, is like the the very first and somewhat unimpressive. Again, by no means a bad song at all just nothing that really surprised or impressed me. Again branching out into a more progressive house trace like feel with this track I took few notes on it as I literally was dying to get to the next song.
‘’October” is #10 on ATGH and is again another example of the classic house DeadMau5 sound we’re addicted to, but new and improved. It reminds me of classic rave music – gorgeous melody and hard back beat.
I think I’ve said this about almost every track on this album but the next two are definitely my favorites. First being #11 “Sleepless” which again is a venture out for DeadMau5 but with spotless execution. It has some dope bass guitar licks and is beyond groovy and funky. It’s a more mellow track but something different which is always what I prefer.
The second is “12 “FailBait” feat. Cyprus Hill. This iis a total hip hop electronic track and is FUCKING SIICKK! A big step for DeadMau5 but like always he killed it!!! I cannot get enough of this song.
“Telecommunications.”feat. Imogen Heap is another more trance/progressive house style track that could defiantly be played on pop and top 40 radio stations. Imogen’s voice reminds me of Dido and the lyrics are great.
Aside radio edits and a Tommy Trash remix of “The Veldt” the last song on the album is “Strobe (The Live Version” which I would definitely consider and EDM ballad if there is such a thing. It’s a very pretty track, mostly piano, and a great way to wind down after a long night at a show or festival.
All in all the new DeadMau5 is worth the purchase. There were a few disappointments but more often then not I found myself surprised and impressed.