A real DJ should be about as intimidated by Sync functionality as a lyricist by an electronic rhyming dictionary, a singer by auto-tune, or a banker by an ATM
When two major talents across the world from each other decide to work on a collaborative effort, it’s always interesting to see how it pans out. In the case of DJ JOUNCE (LA) and CHRISTINA NOVELLI (UK), the result is telling. ‘NOBODY KNOWS‘ is a song everyone should come to know. The punchy big room house production by DJ Jounce is the perfect complement to Novelli’s voice. Novelli, of course whom we all know as the featured vocalist on ‘CONCRETE ANGEL‘ with GARETH EMERY – the breakthrough collaboration currently nears 25 million YouTube views.
DJ Jounce in his own right has seen big success as well; such as with his remix of STEVE AOKI’S ‘DELIRIOUS’ (watch it here!). His track ‘TIME TO GET BLOWN‘ is another example that will do really well at the festivals this Summer. As he frequents hot spots such as Asia, Ibiza and Vegas to perform, he has a serious focus on his production work, and it shows.
DJ JOUNCE: “Christina is based in England so she tracked all of the vocals there as I worked on all the instrumentation at my studio in Los Angeles. It took a little while for it to all come together but I think we’re delighted with the result. I really want people to be inspired when they hear it.
The meaning of Nobody Knows is open to some interpretation by the listener. To me, it’s about having a relationship with someone without needing it to be broadcast to the world to make it better. In the end, all that matters is your connection with that certain someone – a connection to enjoy privately. There’s no need for validation from anyone but each other.
In today’s world where everything is so open and often subject to criticism under the microscope of social media, I think it’s okay to be somewhat private with someone you love. Whether your partner is a guy or girl or even an alien, who cares? Enjoy life. Be free. Free with what you love to do.”
Before DJ Jounce went full force into the electronic music scene, he was a band nerd and in a rock band himself. Being in bands was great, but sometimes the focus was more on making the group work vs. making music. When Jounce switched to electronic music, he felt it to be great to be able to orchestrate various instruments and not worry about group dynamics.
DJ Jounce: “I’m not a control freak, I just love all aspects of the song! But honestly, the transition from real instruments to electronic has been humbling as it’s a completely different animal. The amount of stuff you can do with electronic music is practically limitless”
He also has some firm opinions on the club/festival scene. And definitely not a fan of sync functionality on DJ gear. He finds beat matching a replaceable skill and not an art form… Mixing is the DJ’s art.
DJ Jounce: “If all you do is press play, then well, that’s all you really do. There are some awesome DJ’s out there and some awesome producers who are so-so DJ’s … but evolution happens and technology has helped displace the plain vanilla DJ. A real DJ should be about as intimidated by Sync functionality as a lyricist by an electronic rhyming dictionary, a singer by auto-tune, or a banker by an ATM. Technology has always been disruptive but real talent used on top of it will always trump technology alone.”
For more DJ Jounce, he’s giving away a FREE track here: https://soundcloud.com/djjounce/the-place-to-be-and-die/
For more information about DJ Jounce, please contact Wilf Libgott of www.hammarica.com | wilf@hammarica.com
To book DJ Jounce, please contact Booking@djJounce.com (domestic & outside Asia) or Kanseno Events at kansenoevents@gmail.com (Asia only)