Hammarica.com Daily DJ Interview: XILENT
Xilent’s first release came in 2009 on Ammunition Recordings ‘Quality Killer EP’ with the track ‘Terminal,’ “one of the biggest tracks of 2009” according to top electronic music store TrackItDown.net. The tune immediately caught the ear of John B, who subsequently released more of Xilent’s music on his Beta Recordings imprint.
You exclusively signed with Audioporn. What’s the best thing about the label?
They are basically like sort of a second family. I can always rely on the best exposure on whatever I do along with constant support in every way. I can’t imagine being on my own right now.
When you released ‘Choose Me’ were you surprised about the instant success?
I definitely was, especially when you reminisce on the time when you came up with the idea for the track. In this case I was just on my way back from university and had that simple vocal idea playing in my head. It wasn’t the original house version of the track that made the ‘boom’ happen. At that time the new wave of dubstep was still on its way up and many suggested that I try to do something in that direction. It was definitely a good thing for me.
Is there a different way in approach when producing Dubstep or Drum & Bass?
Time did a lot for me. I polished my production skills and knowledge in so many ways that it’s difficult to compare, because recently I’m mostly producing everything below 170 bpm. There will be drum & bass coming from me this year, so I guess I’ll have to challenge myself. At this point I’m trying to put as much melody into dubstep as possible, since this is what I had trouble finding in that genre in the past years… if it wasn’t for a couple of fellow artists I would lose hope for melodic dubstep entirely. As for drum & bass, I have always tried to put everything I have in my mind that’s connected to the future and technology into it, to make it sound as impossible, complex and pumping as possible. Now that I listen to my drum & bass from the past, I understand the ideas I had, but today I would have put them into reality ten times better.
Your current top 5?
She – Be Alright
Savant – Splinter
Mikkas ft. Amba Shepherd – Finally
501 – Feel For You
Landscapers – Chords From Woods
The wildest thing that ever happened behind the decks?
Sudden power outage at a gig in Poland in the middle of my set. which caused a couple of people in the crowd to start fighting for no reason..
as if the sudden lack of flashing lights had turned them into Neanderthals.
Not necessarily “wild thing behind the decks”, but since that crowd was pretty much a meter away from me, the security started pulling me towards the backstage to avoid injuries, etc… felt like a terrorist attack or something.
Your favorite club in the world?
Oh way too difficult to tell. So many lovely memories associated with each venue… For now I’m just gonna have to say Arena in Moscow, Russia. Wonderful times!
Is there anything else you would like to mention?
Just wanted to say that there will be a lot of very different Xilent music coming out this year, spread within 8 or more different music genres, but keeping the same melodic, futuristic style and idea that people all over the place grew support. And that is the best thing for me – my ideas being loved by such a large number of people. 3 years ago I wouldn’t even dream of being where I am now and that is all thanks to the great bunch that listen to the music and come to my shows. And also thanks to the people who invite me to interviews like these of course!
Xilent will perform April 10th @ Foundation Nightclub Seattle!
www.thedjsessions.com will broadcast a one hour live performance by Xilent